
Handy Tips

Be Light As a Feather - Limit the things you carry with you throughout the trip.  Most of the things you might require are easily available upon arrival.   Just bring basic traveling necessities and your own special personal needs.

Dress Free - Casual dress is appropriate all year round in tropical Philippines weathers.  It is especially ideal to wear clothing in light cotton fabric.

Be a Cub Scout - It is a good idea to use a belt bag to put your money, passport and other valuables when on the road rather than a bag for safety purposes.  Also, make sure to bring photocopies of your passport and tickets just in case.

Have and Eagle Eye - Be aware of where your bags and other valuables in public places.  It might be safer to leave then in your hotel safe.

Don't be Afraid - Filipinos are very friendly and welcoming people.  Don't be afraid to smile and start conversation with them.

Enjoy your visit and Mabuhay!

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